6 min read

Premium Link Building: Backlinks That Actually Work

Dmytro Sokhach, CEO of Admix Global
Premium Link Building

Ever wondered why some websites burn through their link-building budget without seeing any real impact? To avoid that pitfall and discover the 'what,' 'how,' and 'why' of Premium Link Building, stick around.

Spoiler alert: This isn’t your everyday link-building tactic—this is the elite approach that actually delivers results. Think of it as the difference between fast food and fine dining in the SEO world.

What is Premium Link Building?

Premium link building is all about quality over quantity, using strategic, high-value methods to boost your site's authority and visibility.

Key factors that determine a premium backlink include relevance, authority, natural acquisition, strategic link placement, diverse anchor text, and context.

That said, let's get started!

Going Beyond the Basics with Premium Link Building

basic of premium link building

Premium Link Building is all about getting top-tier links using smarter, more strategic methods than the typical tactics like paid guest posting.

  • Connectively (ex-HARO): Ever heard of HARO (Help a Reporter Out)? It’s a platform where you provide journalists with quotes, securing authoritative backlinks from news sites or publications. They use your comment, and you get a valuable shoutout.
  • Relationship-Based Link Building: Build genuine relationships with site owners and editors to earn organic, high-quality links. It’s like networking, but with a direct SEO benefit.
  • Digital PR: Create a buzz with media coverage, influencer partnerships, and other PR tactics. Did you know that 67.3% of surveyed experts say digital PR is the most effective link-building strategy?
  • Broken Link Building: Find broken links on reputable websites and offer your content as a replacement. They improve their site, and you gain a quality backlink.
  • Skyscraper Technique: Take popular content, make it even better, and then reach out to sites that linked to the original. You’re basically offering them an upgrade.
  • Unlinked Mentions: Have you noticed your brand mentioned online without a link? Hunt those down, contact the site owners, and turn those mentions into backlinks.

Unlike typical link-building bundles, these services are tailored to specific strategies and goals. SEO agencies and digital marketing firms specializing in customized solutions provide Premium Link Building.

This targeted approach ensures that each link-building strategy is aligned with your unique needs and objectives, delivering maximum impact.

Why Premium Backlinks Matter

The quality of your backlinks can make or break your strategy.

Premium backlinks stand out because they come from highly authoritative and relevant sources. According to 84.6% of surveyed experts, relevance is the primary metric for assessing the quality of a backlink.

Although more challenging to acquire, they hold significantly higher value for SEO.

For businesses aiming for long-term SEO success, premium links offer a solid return on investment. They drive more web traffic, elevate search rankings, and enhance brand credibility.

Are Premium Backlinks Worth the Investment?

While premium link building might seem costly upfront, with over 53.9% of respondents spending more than $300 per quality link, it’s actually a smart investment. It can reduce future expenditures on link-building services.

Take link bait content as an example.

This strategy involves creating content that naturally attracts links. However, to be effective, it needs initial backlinks to kickstart traffic, leading to more organic links.

For instance, we created a coffee consumption statistics page at coffee-rank.com/world-coffee-consumption-statistics.

Initially, it didn’t receive any organic backlinks. After building the first few backlinks, the page began ranking for queries like "how many people drink coffee in the world."

Consequently, it organically gained over 100 links from sites such as newsbreak.com, firstpost.com, westernjournal.com, theepochtimes.com, wikipedia.org, and thelist.com.

This significantly boosted visibility and traffic for both the page and the entire site

How Much Do Premium Backlinks Cost?

You've probably seen sellers promising "premium" links, sometimes offering 2,500 links for just $999.

Example of sellers offering whay they label as "premium" links.

However, genuine premium link building typically involves acquiring a few to several dozen high-quality links each month.

🔴 At Editorial.Link, we usually offer packages ranging from 1 to 40 links and assist our clients in acquiring links from reputable sites like G2, Hubspot, and Monday.

Our approach to premium link building is all about personalized, hands-on customer outreach rather than generic email blasts.

Cheap link-building services can damage your brand with mass email campaigns.

Carefully selecting each link from relevant, high-quality sites that align with your brand's values and SEO goals is crucial. Random mass emailing often results in low-quality backlinks, which can harm your site's rankings and credibility.

How Many Premium Backlinks Do You Need?

The number of premium backlinks you need isn’t set in stone; it depends on your SEO goals and existing backlink profile. Sometimes, a single link from a highly authoritative site can make a substantial impact.

For instance, we secured a link from hive.com for our client Jake Ward from Byword.ai on a page with 12.6K monthly traffic. This provided both SEO benefits and referral traffic.

link from hive.com on a page that, according to Ahrefs, receives 12.6K traffic per month

Another client, Sitechecker, gained a relevant link from a HubSpot page with 40K monthly traffic, resulting in immediate clicks and registrations.

example of link, that Editorial.Link build for our client

Another example of a premium link is one from Forbes, where I provided a quote and received a link.

Premium link from Forbes, where our CEO Dmytro Sokhach provided a quote

Even if a link doesn't drive direct traffic, connections from authoritative sites like Forbes or Entrepreneur help establish crucial credibility for Google's EEAT criteria (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness).

Here’s another dofollow link that I secured from Entrepreneur in May 2024:

example of premium backlink

Can Premium Backlinks Improve Local SEO?

Absolutely, premium backlinks can significantly boost local SEO.

For instance, a real estate company in the UAE saw their monthly website traffic skyrocket from 5,000 to 60,000 visits in just 11 months, thanks to over 100 premium backlinks.

How to Choose a Premium Link Building Service

How to Choose a Premium Link Building Service

Consider these aspects when selecting a premium link-building agency:

  • Review Their Strategies: Ask about their methods for acquiring high-quality links. A reliable agency should be transparent about their strategies and promise links from reputable websites.

📍 Notably, 69% of surveyed SEO experts use Ahrefs Domain Rating (DR) as the most reliable metric for determining domain authority.

  • Identify Red Flags: Ensure they provide specifics about the websites where they plan to place your links. The links should be on solid websites relevant to your field.
  • Check Reviews and Reputation: Look for evidence of their past success with similar businesses. Check reviews on reliable platforms like Clutch and G2.

At Editorial.Link, we build premium backlinks using only white hat link building methods.

We provide full transparency, allowing you to approve each backlink's placement. No upfront contracts are required; you can start with a single test link and pay upon receipt to evaluate our approach.

Final Words

You could throw your budget at tons of low-quality links and hope for the best. However, one high-quality premium link can make a much bigger difference in your SEO metrics than dozens of junk links.

Focus on building strategic alliances, personalized outreach, and maintaining a strong emphasis on quality.

Moreover, 83.2% of experts believe that the effects of link building on rankings and traffic become noticeable within two weeks or more. That’s actually why investing in premium backlinks is a smart move for achieving long-term success.

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